Statement of Faith & Values


    I believe in one God, Eternally existing in three persons – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (John 14:26-15:26).  The Triune God has created Humanity in His own image and has called us to manifest and reflect personal Holiness through trust and obedience to His Word and commandments.  Because humanity has purposely and woefully fallen from a perfect relationship of trust and obedience with God; the response subsequently entered us into a state of moral corruption and depravity, resulting in our exceedingly loss state; thus, separated and estranged us from our creator (Rom 3:23;19-26). 

    Because of the profound “agape” LOVE for His creation of Humanity, God has initiated a plan of redemption that He has accomplished on our behalf through temporal history (His-story!)(Acts 4:12).  The apex our redemption is centered upon the historical incarnation of God in the person and work of Jesus Christ.  I believe Jesus to be the Christ of Old Testament prophecy, being fully God and fully Man, I believe in His virgin birth, His sinless life, and His miracles.  Jesus, through His replacement and substitutionary atoning death and bodily resurrection (John 5:28-29), has provided the incredible undeserving meritorious justification on our behalf, which is grace, that we receive by faith alone (1 Pet 1:18-19). 

    I believe the risen Christ and His ascension, has sent His Holy Spirit to dwell in the hearts of all believers, effecting our regeneration and operating in our sanctification and personal gifting (1 Cor 12-14).  The Holy Spirit has been given to empower us for service and bearing witness to the kingdom of God (Acts 2:38).  The Holy Spirit has been given to us to form a corporate community of believers. I believe that Christ has established a visible church, which is called to live a life of Holiness by the power of the Holy Spirit under the regulation and authority of Holy Scripture, exercising discipleship, discipline, administering the sacraments, and proclaiming the Gospel of Christ. 

    I believe that the Bible is in its entirety, which is divine revelation, which is the only infallible, inerrant and authoritative word of God. That we are to submit to the authority of Holy Scripture, acknowledging it to be carrying the full weight of God’s authority (2 Tim 3:16). 

    I am committed to the implementation of the social and cultural implications of God’s commandments for humanity and His environment.  I believe our faith should be visible and a concrete model of Christ in all that we do. I seek to be a faithful disciple of Christ, enduring in love and obedience until He consummates His kingdom.  I firmly adhere to the historical confessions of our faith, such as the Westminster and Heidelberg Confessions of Faith. 

    I believe in the spiritual unity of all believers through our Lord Jesus Christ (Eph 4:3) 

    The above are fundamentals held by my confessing, reformed and evangelical theology.  The following are essential to the Christian walk of faith, which I strive my fullest to obey and practice daily:

 A caring, effective love relationship with Jesus Christ.

  • A lifestyle dedicated to obeying God’s will.
  • Daily devotional times, prayer and studying of God’s word.
  • A joyful love and willingness to serve our Lord, even through personal sacrifice.
  • A witness for Christ without hypocrisy.
  • A firm desire to be God’s child, through trust and obedience.
  • A working faith in God’s promises for all our needs and daily situations. 

Richard Joseph Krejcir

Pastoral and Personal Core Values 

ONE:  Lead a Spiritually Surrendered Life

I strive to bring the gift of a life that is fully surrendered to God, through His Word and the Holy Spirit.

I approach all of my work and life controlled and led by Him. Gal. 2:20; Phil. 3:1-17; I Tim. 4:7

The main Thing… is to keep the main thing… the main thing! 

TWO:  Maintain an Infectious, Optimistic & Enthusiastic Attitude

I strive to be a team player who encourages others, who has the best interests of the team at heart. Deut. 20:8; I Thess. 5:11 There’s no substitute for a great attitude.

It’s my choice… every day. 

THREE:  Be a Teachable Team Player

I strive to maintain a teachable heart; I believe this is the key to successful ongoing growth in life and ministry; to stay open to instruction, correction and improvement. II Tim. 3:16, 17; Prov. 1:28-33

With the hide of a rhino, which is tough, & the heart of a canary that is tender is the makeup of those committed to continued growth. 

FOUR: Approach Work with Passion & Intensity

I strive to maintain a fervent & dedicated spirit that remains faithful & perseveres in the midst of difficulty; I put my hand to the plow and don’t look back. I’m dedicated to serving the Lord & His church heartily & with purpose. Col. 3: 23, 24; Phil. 1:6; 3:10

Don’t wait for your ship to come in… Swim out to meet it. 

FIVE: Honor and Value Ministry and Prayer Partners

I fully strive to affirm, encourage & celebrate others efforts habitually. Without Prayer Partners there would be no ministry or success. Deut. 20:8; 1 Thess. 5:11

Together Each Accomplishes More 

SIX:  Hold Each Others’ Arms Up

A staff team is a special God-planned family brought together for a purpose – His purpose. Thus I strive to respect, love, protect and support others in all ways possible. Exodus 17:11-12

Circle the wagons to keep the enemy out 

SEVEN: Stay on Your Knees

I will Pray for God’s supernatural Involvement in the life of our church, mine and your family, ministry & personal walk with Jesus. Humble yourself before God & expect Him to do great things as you seek to serve Him with all your might. L Thess.5:17; 1 Pet. 5: 6,7

Pray as if all you do depends on God… and work as if it all depends on you. 

I strive to do this in the attitude of living with: Psalm 63:1; 89:7; 119:18; Prov. 1:7; 3:5-6; John 7:17-18 

  • Nothing to Prove, because peer pressure leads to pride, distraction and death.
  • Nothing to Hide, because Jesus paid our price, thus I do not need the distractions of lust and pornography. I give my Lord my very best, thus I must confess.
  • Nothing to Lose, because I cannot effect the world living in fear. I life with God’s best in mind, by His character and precepts. As Paul lived though his dedication and focus through despair and difficulty.  

Richard Joseph Krejcir

1 Response to Statement of Faith & Values

  1. This is really Great Rev Richard. I appreciate you so much, how are you, how is your family and ministry. I am praying for you. I would love to involve in your ministry . Pl pray about it,
    I am a preacher and the teacher of the word of God, give talks to youths seminars, couple seminars, inner healing sessions, leadership training, stress management, motivational training, counsel addicts, depressed, divorced, broken families. Pl visit our website; and blog; , take care, Hope to hear from you,
    in Christ
    Rev Dr Augustine Joseph
    linkedin friend

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