The Krejcir Family Christmas 2022

Serving the Lord through Into Thy Word Ministries   S/C Asia & Pasadena, CA

Into Thy Word Ministries is about equipping Church Leaders and Pastors around the world to better understand and apply the Bible. You can be a part of this, too!

Into Thy Word Ministries   2022 Year End Report….

Contributions:  Make checks payable to:

Into Thy Word, 129 S. Lotus Ave, Pasadena, CA 91107.

Enclose a note that the donation is “for the Krejcirs.”

You can also donate at our home church LAC or online too…

“We are Grateful for your Prayers and Support!”

About Biblical Guy

Pastor, Teacher, Missionary, Researcher, Church Planter, Author and Equipper. Dr. Richard Joseph Krejcir lives in Southern California and is married to the beautiful MaryRuth and a precious son Ryan, a miracle from God. He is a child of God who is committed to biblical understanding, prayer, spiritual growth, and integrity. He is the Founder and Director of Into Thy Word Ministries, a missions and discipling ministry, with a call upon his heart to bring discipleship materials to pastors and everyone who needs them here and overseas. He is also a researcher at the Schaeffer Institute and spent over fifteen years on an in-depth, careful and through study on End Times. He is the author of numerous articles, curriculum's and books such as "Into Thy Word," and is also an ordained pastor, teacher, and speaker. He is a graduate of Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena California (Master of Divinity) and holds a Ph.D. (Practical Theology) from London. He has amounted over 25 years of teaching and pastoral ministry experience including serving as a church growth consultant.
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