What Humans Need

“If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” Romans 10:9

Although this passage is about evangelism and missions, what I want us to notice is Paul’s mindset. Paul with all of his passion, love, and zeal bats a near zero with witnessing to the Jews, his own people. The Jews did not respond to Paul’s heartfelt pleas or God’s open loving arms, and many will not respond to us too. Life as we want it will not respond positively to us most of the time. That is OK! So, when we are discouraged and find so few people responding to our praying, efforts, work, or witness, remember Paul himself did not do so well at times, especially with his own people. Yet, there was a positive to be seen later for Paul. The Gentiles were believing and coming into the fold of our Lord.

How does Paul go on and not spiral into depression or self-pity? Keep in mind he gave up all to do this mission. Looking at Paul’s life and comparing it to psychology we can gain some helpful tips to be the best that we can be.

Here are some thoughts we may need to work on:

  • To be effective in life and ministry, we need to be prepared and create a growth mindset with Christ as LORD!
  • Something must change in us to change who and how we are and what will be. This is what the outcome of Spiritual Growth is all about. Being changed from the inside out. You can make this change any day of your life and go forward from there. I did. I am not where I need or want to be, but I am on my way. So, can we. How? Prayer and Discipleship!
  • Do you see obstacles or opportunities?
  • Remember in Christ kingdom, probably not our workplace or school, we are not responsible for results; we are only responsible for our faith and obedience.
  • Are you letting setbacks prevent you from reaching your goals in life and ministry?
  • Beware of false expectations and past hurt that can make you fail. Play the game as you are the main character, rise and excel!
  • You cannot let the hurts of life hurt you! Faith, Hope, and Love are your inner motivation from our Lord. Attitude and confidence are the application of our outer motivation.
  • Stay away from people who bring you down if you do not have the mental toughness to deal with them. Rather, associate yourself with people who lift you up.
  • Read books to improve yourself.
  • Do not lie to ourselves. Are we doing all that we can to improve?
  • Got problems? We all do! Remember that our problem is fixable if we commit to it.
  • The Key to success = is a positive attitude!
  • Life is not what happens to us; rather, it is what we make from it!
  • Do not keep score of the past, rise to what lies ahead!
  • Do you want to do what you are worth or have someone tell you what you are worth? Know our worth in Christ.
  • Do not just strive and worry about being the best in the world; rather, be the best for the world!
  • Faith vs fear what side are you in?
  • Emotions and success need to be separated for success.
  • If we do not believe in what we are doing then neither will the people we are reaching or the work we do.
  • A positive mindset is very important. So, be the positive person in the room where people are drawn to, who walks towards to helping people, be wanted and needed. Do not talk about your problems. People do not care; rather, what we talk about and speak about builds. Be a solution, not an obstacle.
  • Radiant confidence and well-being without pride is your ally. Be a good person, that makes people feel special and wanted!
  • Conversely, negative people never accomplish anything! No one likes to be around them. They do not build, encourage, equip, or do anything significant, or that could echo into eternity. So, be positive, stay disciplined with good habits, be focused, and learn from the lessons of failures so you fail forward.
  • Do not give up, when we stop is when we fail. The only true thing we control is how we react. The question for us is, is it by faith and fruit or by the flesh, pride, and fear?

One of the most important pieces of advice I was given years ago is live on our beautiful feet, do not stress; rather, learn, and have a high purpose to pull ourselves forward through our challenges and our bad days. Refurbished ourselves and get back up!

And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!” Romans 10:15

So be encouraged and continue in your obedience, keep it up; keep your feet beautiful! Romans 10:5-21

About Biblical Guy

Pastor, Teacher, Missionary, Researcher, Church Planter, Author and Equipper. Dr. Richard Joseph Krejcir lives in Southern California and is married to the beautiful MaryRuth and a precious son Ryan, a miracle from God. He is a child of God who is committed to biblical understanding, prayer, spiritual growth, and integrity. He is the Founder and Director of Into Thy Word Ministries, a missions and discipling ministry, with a call upon his heart to bring discipleship materials to pastors and everyone who needs them here and overseas. He is also a researcher at the Schaeffer Institute and spent over fifteen years on an in-depth, careful and through study on End Times. He is the author of numerous articles, curriculum's and books such as "Into Thy Word," and is also an ordained pastor, teacher, and speaker. He is a graduate of Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena California (Master of Divinity) and holds a Ph.D. (Practical Theology) from London. He has amounted over 25 years of teaching and pastoral ministry experience including serving as a church growth consultant.
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1 Response to What Humans Need

  1. Ely Shemer says:

    loved reading your post.
    This is what I found out in your post
    This is a great reminder that having a positive mindset is crucial in our life and ministry. We must focus on growth and stay disciplined with good habits to move forward through challenges and bad days. Let’s be the positive person in the room where people are drawn to, and radiate confidence and well-being without pride.
    Ely Shemer

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